Unlock your in-house database potential

Shorten your product process development, reduce materials used per part and integrate best practice from the first product/process iteration by capitalizing on your existing processes.

PROBE by BrightClue unlocks your data potential.

Accessing your data has never been so easy

3D part data is typically stored in different databases that can’t talk to each other. This makes it difficult and time-consuming to access all the relevant data for any given part. Moreover, the large amount of stored data and the limited search abilities of existing databases make it cumbersome to access the data you’re looking for. With PROBE, our SaaS search engine, you can finally unlock the full potential of your databases.
PROBE by BrightClue provides easy access to your data.

Access the data you need in a single click

With a simple drag&drop of a 3D part, access all the data relevant to the 3D part you’ve chosen. With its cutting-edge 3D search algorithms powered by artificial neural networks, PROBE takes care of the tedious task of finding all the related parts and their related data. Spend your time analyzing similar parts, not on digging through your databases.
Access your data in one click.

Navigate your technical databases using our user-friendly interface

Filter, rank and analyze search results using PROBE’s user-friendly interface. Dig into the details of related parts and explore your database using rebound searches.
Explore your database with PROBE by BrightClue user-friendly interface.

Compare 3D models to identify design differences

PROBE comes with a 3D viewer so you can inspect and compare your 3D parts. Don’t waste time opening 3D parts in other software - simply use the embedded 3D viewer for a much faster search experience.
PROBE by BrightClue 3D models comparator.

See PROBE in action

PROBE makes it easy to search for relevant parts and all relevant data. Dig through your data with PROBE’s user-friendly interface.

Our value propositions

Find parts and technical data in less than 30s with PROBE by BrightClue.
Find parts and technical data in less than 30s
Four times fewer product/process iterations with PROBE by BrightClue.
4 times fewer product/process iterations
Cut manufacturing costs by up to 25% by capitalizing on your existing processes with PROBE by BrightClue.
Cut manufacturing costs by up to 25% by capitalizing on your existing processes
Embed best practice from the first product/process iteration with PROBE by BrightClue.
Embed best practice from the 1st product/process iteration
Cut materials use by up to 20% with PROBE by BrightClue.
Cut materials use by up to 20%
Cost your project precisely right from the first milestone with PROBE by BrightClue.
Cost your project precisely right from the 1st milestone